Annual visit to the MAINTEC ShowAnnual pilgrimage to the Smart Manufacturing + Engineering Week show at the NEC didn't disappoint.
Caught up with many connections in the MAINTEC area most of them in the photos above. The new Sonaphone 2 demonstrated on the CBM Partners stand was the highlight for me, although I stay agnostic to the technologies there are certain instruments I come across that if I was buying would spend my money there, Sonotec devices is one of them. Maintech Recruitment had the most impressive stand with the most energy going on, they must all be knackered after last week! Great to meet Matt Fletcher from Fletcher Moorland at last, we have known each other virtually on LinkedIn for nearly 10 years, I'm a great fan of the work he and his team carry out for industrial and transport clients. We also met up with a couple of new prospects attending the show and agreed site visits, good to bump into an old PepsiCo colleague as well, I might be revisiting one of his sites shortly. I attended both days and still missed loads of stands in the other areas, great show recommended if you want some inspiration away from the shop floor.